Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bob Burns Hollywood Monster Museum

old fart but he's cool in my book cos of his monster tour of his museum & chat with the man below...i have no idea who the creep-o in the bandanna & shades is.



he may be an old fart but good ol Bob Burns here has some of the coolest monster movie /sci-fi misc props EVER...there's props from Star Wars,Aliens to Lord of the Rings not to mention some of the old-school iconic classic b-movie fancy yourself a so called collector? Please...have a look and be humbled by his haul...also cos it took me ages to upload these video clip bitches so you better enjoy em.

oh...have not been posting much due to a thing called...WORK/BURNT OUT afterwards.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

SALE!!!ALL FOR $40!!! (SOLD TO D.J. -TQ!!!)

Only for my fellow Brunei friends/bloggers/anyone who visits my blog,prices as labeled and items sold as you see it.

If interested just email me:

First come first serve as usual.