By far this is my ALL TIME favorite MG Zaku kit-bash...the scanned images speak for themselves.

the military theme and camo airbrushing on this is superb,i doubt if i can get to this level anytime soon. The sniper rifle is based on the real life Barret M82A1 .50 caliber sniper rifle below.

for those who have bought stuff from me you'll know i give a free otaku mag with each purchase but this is one copy I'll never give away simply based on this Zaku kit-bash pages. This is the mag those pages are scanned from and this issue features a whopping 28 different MG Zaku kit-bash and mods-the Sniper Zaku was just 1 of them.
Bradley Cooper who will play the role of Lt. Templeton "Faceman" Peck on the set of the new A-Team movie doing weapons training.

Brad Cooper/'Face' is using a standard M4 Carbine+surefire grip+side railing light with ARFX Skeleton Stock similar to this one below.
other stuff i scanned for fun...

DML 1/6 figure box art...

HT 1/6 Ranger figure box back cover art...

HT 1/6 weapons set back cover box art.

Oct 08' issue of Q music mag with my fav band featured...who knew almost 1 year later Noel's left...
and finally...
you should see how dirty & grime covered the mini engine is...but that's for another time and place la. Busy busy busy week ahead for me...have a good one y'all.
im sorry but the picture you put up with "with ARFX Skeleton Stock similar to this one below." is COMPLETELY different. just made me laugh